
Thank you for visiting, I hope you stick around! This is a blog dedicated to encouraging women to rest in God's grace and righteousness. I pray that nothing you read or see here leaves you feeling discouraged or inadequate. The last thing I want is to contribute to the "I don't measure up to this blog" epidemic that is plaguing so many moms today! My prayer is that this blog helps any readers (and myself) be comfortable with the eternal and secure identity in Christ that is there for the taking. Here's to walking in His liberty!


Sunday, July 7, 2013

little caesar's for dinner...at 7:30.

This is the inaugural post here at Mother Knows Grace. I’m sitting here nursing my baby boy, writing it on my phone, while my man runs to LCs for some unhealthy (and late) dinner.

Let me set the record straight here. I have a love/hate relationship with blogs. I love that I can read someone else’s tutorial or find a great recipe with pictures. I love (LURRRVVVE) free printables. I love that every now and then they get real and show the messy mess that is life. I hate that ONLY every now and then they get real and show the messy mess that is life. I really don’t like that more often than not, I am comparing my whole life up against someone’s blog. I am not a fan of the “everything is always perfect because I’m a Christian mommy blogger” phenomenon that is sweeping the nation.

I love blogs…but they are dangerous for me. For the past year or so, I have avoided them like the plague unless a specific google search for a recipe/printable/tutorial brought me to one. I am terrified of pinterest. I am technically on it, but I haven’t pinned anything in probably a year (and I think 5 or less people are following me). Facebook? Not on it anymore.

All of the above are issues with me…not problems with the other things. I have a very–repeat VERY–hard time not basing my complete identity on how I’m not measuring up to someone else’s post or pin. I can spend months working on this, and it can all come a’crumblin down at the sight of perfectly manicured red fingernails, feeding fabric through a sewing machine on some blog post.

Why am I starting a blog then, you may ask? Two reasons. First, I felt pretty rotten about myself for a pretty long time because of all the ways I was falling short of the virtual perfection I saw. I don’t want anyone else to feel that way. I hope to provide a sort of sanctuary here for the women who–like me–feel a little lost and discouraged as they surf the blogosphere, Facebook, Pinterest, what have you. Second, I’m hoping that forcing myself to get real in the form of blogging about the mess that is life might help me rest in God’s grace.

More to come.

Here’s to walking in the sufficiency of His strength and grace!



  1. Preach it!!
    Seriously I feel the same way about the internet community;
    i.e. Pinterest, Facebook, and various blogs.
    They usually just make me feel like crap!


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